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designs and manufactures
automatic machines for packaging and handling of palletized loads.

UNITECH srl designs and manufactures automatic wrapping machines and complete systems for packaging and handling of palletized loads through the use of stretch films, shrink films and net films. Since 1995, UNITECH Srl manufactures automatic machines for packaging and handling of pallets at the end of the line trying to develop solutions tailored to the customer’s needs. We carefully study all the needs presented to us by our Customers.
The constant search to arrive to the most technically correct and cost-effective solution for our Customers, plus the attention we use in the development and implementation of the order, have earned us the trust of our clients and partners, which has been the basis for the development of our company. Our commitment is to continue to develop what until now we have managed to create together with our customers, with the same attention to human relationships.

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