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Trolley with mechanical brake and engagement / disengagement
Electromagnetic friction to adjust film tension directly from control panel
Mechanical pre-stretch 100 % (pallet minimum weight: 170 kg)
Mechanical pre-stretch with gears
Electronic powered pre-stretch unit with fixed ratio (max 260%) mod. PE/1RMI (film height mm. 500/mm. 750) and adjustable tension of the stretch film on the corner of the load
Electronic powered pre-stretch unit mod. PE/2RM (film height mm. 500/mm. 750) with adjustable ratio directly from the control panel and adjustable tension of the stretch film on the corners of the load
Pneumatic device installed on the pre-stretch dispensing arm to adjust stretch film tension on the load during the wrapping cycle; all possible settings are activated by proportional valve controlled by PLC
Electropneumátic welding unit (directly on the palletised load)
Electropneumatic welding unit (directly on the palletised load) including integrated cutting device
Electropneumatic welding unit by contra-plate (no contact with the load)
Mobile contra-plate for pallets with different widths
Access ramp for manual transpallet
Steel made frame to embed the turntable at floor level
Photocell for products with black surface
Weighing system to be installed under the pallet / chain conveyor, consisting of:
- Nr. 4 load cells with supporting plates
- Nr. 1 network device between the 4 load cells
- Nr. 1 electronic display to show weight data (without data transmission)
- Nr. 1 push-button for pallet exit / confirmation that data have been read
Pneumatic / mechanical top pressor for light or unstable products
Remote control for wrapping cycle start.
Hydraulic lifter for the complete wrapping of the wooden pallet installed under the machine conveyor
Device installed on the cutting arm to reduce stretch film height for complete welding on the contra-plate (only for pre-stretch group with mm. 750 film)
Device to reduce stretch film height in order to create a “pre-stretched rope” and apply it on the layers of the load as a horizontal strap or directly on the pallet wood to secure the load to it. The system is controlled by PLC and may be excluded directly from operating panel
Device to cut stretch film width into 3 stripes and wrap the pallet in order to create an “anti-condensation packaging”. The system is controlled by PLC and may be excluded directly from operating panel
Air conditioning for temperature control
Modem for remote assistance via Internet
Other components and optionals available upon request (extra costs may apply)