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Standard Components

PLC Siemens – ET200SP 1510 - Profinet
HMI Siemens KTP 700 basic – 7” touch Profinet – colori
Main bearing MRI
Automatic switches Siemens
Overload cut outs Siemens
Push-buttons Schneider
Photocells Sick
Proximity switches Omron
Pneumatics Pneumax
Solenoid valves Pneumax
Motors Seipee / Chiaravalli / Bonfiglioli
Gear-boxes Bonfiglioli / Chiaravalli
Inverters Siemens G120C
Safety light curtains Reer
Electrical control cabinet Rittal
Electrical cables Tecnikabel
Cable trays Cablofil
Power supply 400 V – 50 Hz – triphase + T
Auxiliary tension 24Vdc