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1000 Auto

Automatic wrapping machine with rotating ring

to provide stretch wrapping of long products by ring rotation


Made to last and to minimize the impact of maintenance


Crafted to maximize cost effectiveness and minimize the impact on the enviroment

  • Dispositivi consigliati
  • Electronic powered pre-stretch with duble motors

    mod. PE/2RM (film height mm. 500) with adjustable ratio directly from the control panel and adjustable tension of the stretch film on the corner of the load

  • Electropneumatic welding unit by contra-plate

    no contact with the load

  • Modem for remote assistance via Internet

    with safe VPN internet connection

  • Opzioni aggiuntive
  • Single pneumatic top pressor

    for light or unstable products

  • Double pneumatic top pressor

    for light or unstable products

  • Electronic powered pre-stretch unit with fix ratio

    mod. PE/1RMI (film height mm. 500) and adjustable tension of the stretch film on the corner of the load (max. pre-stretch value 260%)

  • Rolls unit to accumulate the film

    in case of highly different load dimension

Build the way you need! literally

Designed to meet the needs of each customer (possible line example)